Thursday, January 20, 2011

True to myself

For the past few weeks, I had never been so honest with myself, to my family, friends and someone. It's not like I was a pretender all these times. I just don't like the idea of people helping me because of my weaknesses, symphatize / emphatize me, or maybe glad to see me in big trouble. hahaha

I am happy that my honesty was accepted, that was really my first, even though it needs to be proven first (the honest part). And I, by far, haven't proven anything yet. And there is no guarantee that the result would be what I expected, but I'm willing to take the risk. XD

Thank you for giving me the chance, please be patient, that's all I can ask for now.

I'm moving to a new direction, I don't know it whether it's good or bad, I can only do and try my best.

Thanks for reading.

PS. I just had my tooth removed, it hurts like hell. Hahahahaha, but I'm so relieved to finally overcome it. Yippie!